Friday, December 28, 2018

A Quick Shameless Self-Advertisement Plug

We interrupt your totally-irregular scheduling with an exciting (at least to me) message.

Earlier this month, I self-published my first book, a paperback through Kindle Direct Publishing! It's a collection of my poetry from the past few years. I think I ended up with 36 poems in here at final count.

The book is also available as an eBook, if you prefer those! Despite the price difference, I personally actually only make like $1 more from the paperback than from the eBook, so if you want to get the eBook to save money, I promise that I will not be offended at all.

Also, this is my first time self-publishing, so if there are any issues--glaring typos I missed, poor cover quality, or formatting errors I didn't catch in the proof copies, etc--please do let me know so I can try to get the problems edited out and fixed. I have been working hard to polish both versions up over the past couple weeks, but like I said, this is my first time--I may have made some mistakes!

The eBook version of the book should be available globally, anywhere you can use Amazon (whether the UK, Japan, the US, etc).

The paperback is available in most markets too.

You can also find it by searching "Elizabeth Ree" on Amazon; the Kindle version is the first result, and the paperback version is just a bit farther down.

Oh, and if you get either version of the book, whether you like it or not, please write an honest review! The more reviews I get, the more likely Amazon is to show people the book as a recommended item. Even if it's not 5 stars, let me know what you think!

That's all for this brief interruption. Even if you decide not to get a copy, thank you for reading this post! Have a Happy New Year, fellow travelers, and I'll be back soon with more posts about preparing to study in Japan.

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